Control Risks partners with organisations and their respective legal counsel to provide comprehensive compliance and investigative solutions that extend beyond those of traditional financial crimes programmes.   

Control Risks’ financial Crimes experts come from a variety of backgrounds, having served as prosecutors, regulators, intelligence officials, law enforcement agents, and in-house compliance officers. They work in cross-functional teams alongside our experts in areas such as security, on-the-ground business intelligence and geo-political analysis. We can support you in gaining a deep understanding of your nuanced risk exposure and local operating anomalies, uncovering and mitigating behaviours that predicate financial crimes, and building the necessary lines of defence.  

Our bespoke solutions leverage our on-the ground intelligence capabilities and cutting-edge technologies to provide our clients and their counsels with the real-time information necessary to effectively respond to evolving regulatory requirements and emerging risks.  

Our areas of expertise include:

Anti-money laundering (AML) and financial crimes compliance

Mitigate AML and financial crimes risks and strengthen compliance across your operations by focusing on effective risk management without creating operational friction. We offer tailored risk assessments, development of robust risk-based, enterprise-wide policies and procedures, training programmes, and independent compliance reviews and periodic audits designed specifically to effectively manage and mitigate your organisation’s regulatory, business, and reputational risks.  

Sanctions and trade compliance

Leverage our sanctions and trade compliance experts’ unique understanding of international sanctions and trade requirements informed by their extensive on-the-ground experience in political and country risk management. Our clients rely on this expertise to assist them in fine-tuning their sanctions and trade compliance programmes and to ensure that controls are in place to detect and avoid attempts at evasion while maximizing resource allocation.    

Know your customer (KYC) and enhanced due diligence (EDD)

Enhance your customer due diligence processes to meet the rigorous demands of international regulations. Our KYC and EDD solutions provide basic to advanced due diligence, beneficial ownership (UBO) identification and insights, customer risk-rating methodologies, and ongoing monitoring to help you effectively manage compliance requirements while minimizing operational friction. 

Fraud prevention and detection

Protect your organisation from fraud risks with our comprehensive fraud prevention and detection strategies. Our experts employ cutting-edge technologies, data analytics, and investigative techniques to proactively identify and mitigate fraud risks across operations, ensuring the integrity of your financial transactions.  

Digital forensics and model validation

Fine tune and conduct effective model validation testing with the help of our digital forensic data analytics team. Control Risks helps organisations analyze high volumes of financial, operational and transactional data to identify high-risk relationships and actions, conduct timely analyses, and implement protocols to reduce your risk, improve your internal controls and assist you in developing reportable compliance findings while minimizing redundancies in false positives and low-value alerts.

Digital risks solutions

Safeguard your critical information and systems from cyber threats. Our digital and cybersecurity specialists provide advanced vulnerability assessments, incident response planning, and tailored cybersecurity training to protect your organisation's digital assets, maintain the trust of your stakeholders and comply with applicable cybersecurity requirements. 

Business intelligence

Maximize your risk management efforts with cutting edge and comprehensive analysis of hard-to-get local intelligence from high-risk jurisdictions across the globe. Control Risks conducts due diligence and gathers intelligence across the globe to assist you in evaluating the economic and political dynamics around transactions, as well as the integrity and reputation of individuals and entities, for informed mitigation of AML, sanctions, fraud, cyber, digital and ESG risks. 


We draw on our extensive compliance and internal controls consulting capabilities to help you determine why misconduct has occurred, take effective remediation steps so it can be avoided in the future, and ensure business recovery and continuity. Additionally, we frequently serve as and assist court-appointed monitors. We augment our investigative experience with expertise in digital forensics, forensic data analytics, and eDiscovery and eDisclosure services, leveraging technology to meet the requirements of any investigation, anywhere in the world. 

Criminal and regulatory defense support

Control Risks’ financial crimes Professionals include former prosecutors, regulators, compliance officers, and intelligence and law enforcement professionals capable of providing the necessary insight and guidance when organisations are faced with the need to self-report or respond to regulatory inquiries or enforcement actions. We work with you and your organisation’s counsel to address potential and defined regulatory compliance issues, understand their origin, evaluate their pervasiveness, and develop the necessary action plans required to respond to regulators and mitigate potential fines, reputational harm and/or shareholder dilatation.

Programme remediation and monitorships

Control Risks has an established history of serving as court- and regulator-appointed independent consultants and monitors when clients are faced with the need to design and implement systemic enhancement and remediation of their regulatory compliance programmes and/or resolve backlogs. The capabilities of our cross-disciplinary teams allow our clients to rely on us as the sole partner necessary to effect programmatic design changes, implement those changes in their underlying models and provide the staff necessary to handle compliance workflow demands above and beyond those of business as usual. Regulators and government entities in turn rely on the breadth of Control Risks’ capabilities and have entrusted us with monitorship requirements and the implementation of necessary action plans.

Complex asset tracing & recovery

Control Risks’ global network and long standing commitment to intelligence-based regulatory compliance and investigations makes it the ideal partner to assist in asset tracing and recovery across the globe and via the most complex of structures.

Operational and protective services / political and country risk

Our experts and consultants are supported by our multi-disciplinary expertise and can call on this unrivalled resource at any time. This gives them full visibility of the local, national and context of your operations to provide you with holistic and seamless solutions to the ripple effects of money laundering and other financial crimes. 

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