The business environment for foreign companies operating in China has changed dramatically in recent years. Increasing geopolitical tensions, regulatory enforcement and fierce domestic competition, combined with a slowing economy, have created a more complex risk landscape and require companies to future-proof their China business. Building resilience has never been more important.

This means proactively identifying major threats, reducing vulnerabilities and improving adaptability. China remains an important – if not the most important – market for many multinational companies. A resilient organisation will be much better placed to navigate disruptions and capture growth opportunities in the future.

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Meet our China experts

Control Risks supports our clients in addressing the most concerning issues on the management agenda and dealing with reality on the ground. Meet our China experts dedicated to creating the best outcomes for your China business.

Yifei Zhang

Yifei Zhang View bio

Jian Huang

Jian Huang View bio

Mavis Tan

Mavis Tan View bio

Kent Kedl

Kent Kedl View bio

Carmen Liu

Carmen Liu View bio

Zhixing Zhang

Thomas Zhang View bio

Thomas Zhang

Thomas Zhang View bio

Regina Zhou

Michael Hickman View bio

Michael Hickman

Michael Hickman View bio

Mark Young

Thomas Zhang View bio

Andreuw Gunawan

Andreuw Gunawan View bio