Crisis response services from seasoned experts

It is profoundly disruptive and potentially traumatic when a crisis strikes an organisation. Employees, shareholders and other stakeholders are all affected. A quick, sure-footed response and recovery is vital.

Crisis response is a core part of Control Risks’ DNA, over 40 years we have helped more than 5500 clients in nearly 150 countries. We bring measured and seasoned judgement to the most stressful of situations combined with the ability – honed over decades of practical crisis handling – to restore calm, clarity and order.

Whether you are facing a complex crisis in an opaque jurisdiction or an imminent threat to life, we can help you navigate the most difficult of circumstances. From kidnap to terrorism to a cyber event or product recall, our experts have the experience and on-the-ground capability to support you.

Throughout each stage of our support to clients, Control Risks is thinking about not just the response itself, but the longer-term business recovery. We work with you as business returns to normal to assess the response and capitalise on lessons learned so your organisation emerges stronger.

How we can help