Ukraine will continue to be a high-risk business environment, but the country is seeking investment and real opportunities exist with the right support. Whether you’d like to be a part of the rebuilding effort, invest in Ukraine’s growth sectors, or engage in general trading, make Control Risks your in-country Ukraine advisory partner – from business concept to on-the-ground implementation.

Ukraine is as rich in contrasts as it is in opportunities, and Control Risks has decades of experience supporting clients to make the most of what the country has to offer. We currently have an established, on-the-ground presence in Kyiv and can give you intelligence and forward-looking expert analysis to help you navigate uncertainties, devise risk mitigation measures, and operate successfully.

 Our team of experts includes: 

  • Business intelligence specialists
  • Crisis and security consultants
  • Crisis response consultants
  • Crisis and security consultants
  • Cyber threat intelligence analysts
  • In-country high risk managed services
  • Internal investigators
  • Legal technology specialists
  • Political risk and security analysts
  • Security design engineers, and more 

Control Risks Ukraine business in numbers

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