Look ahead to the geopolitical events that will shape your world.

Date Event Location  
1 Jul - 31 Dec 2024 Hungarian Council presidency EU
Hungary holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU.
3-4 Jul 2024
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
Kazakhstan will host the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit, a gathering of Eurasian countries. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin will reportedly attend. 
4 Jul 2024
General election
UK United Kingdom
The centre-left Labour Party is an average of around 20 percentage points ahead of the right-wing governing Conservatives in opinion polls. Labour will win, likely with a comfortable majority.
5 Jul 2024 Presidential election run-off
Iran Iran
The run-off will be between reformist candidate, Masoud Pezeshkian, against hard liner Saeed Jalili.
7 Jul 2024
Second round of the legislative elections
The elections will likely see the far-right National Rally (RN) make significant gains, though other parties will unite to combine their support bases to limit RN’s share of seats in the National Assembly.
7-10 Jul 2024 Russia-India bilateral summit
Russia/India RussiaIndia
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Russia for an annual summit to discuss deepening the strategic partnership between the two countries.
9-11 Jul 2024
NATO summit
The 2024 summit will take place in Washington DC (US) and will mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the alliance. Ukraine’s prospective accession to NATO is a key agenda item, though no invitation is likely to be made at this time.
15 Jul 2024
General elections
Incumbent President Paul Kagame will likely secure a fourth term, with the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) likely to retain its majority in parliament, given a tightly controlled political environment. 
15 Jul 2024 Parliamentary elections Syria Syria
The elections will reinforce the Baath Party's dominance of the People’s Assembly (legislature). The party led by President Bashar al-Assad and its allies will win the majority of the 250 seats. 
15-18 Jul 2024
US Republican Party National Convention
Delegates in Milwaukee (Wisconsin state) will select the party’s nominees for president and vice-president in the 2024 US presidential election.
16-17 Jul 2024
G7 trade ministers’ meeting
The meeting will take place in Villa San Giovanni in Reggio Calabria (Italy). 
26 Jul - 11 Aug 2024
2024 Summer Olympics
The 2024 Summer Olympics will take place in Paris and other locations around France and in French overseas territories.
28 Jul 2024
Presidential elections
President Nicolás Maduro will continue using both legal tactics and repression to undermine the opposition and discourage participation ahead of the election on 28 July. While Maduro is facing a tough contest, he will likely retain sufficient control over state institutions and the military to remain in power. 
19-22 Aug 2024
US Democratic Party National Convention
Delegates in Chicago (Illinois state) will select the party’s nominees for president and vice-president in the 2024 US presidential election.
28 Aug - 8 Sep 2024 2024 Summer Paralympics
Global Global
The Paralympic Games will take place in Paris (France) and various venues elsewhere.
1 Sep 2024 Snap parliamentary elections Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
President Ilham Aliyev’s New Azerbaijan Party is highly likely to win in a landslide.
1 Sep 2024
Saxony and Thuringia state elections
Saxony and Thuringia states are due to hold state elections.
1 Sep 2024
Legislative elections
Czechia will see regional elections and the election of one-third of the Senate (upper house), serving as gauge of public sentiment for political parties ahead of the 2025 general election. 
7 Sep 2024
Presidential election
Authorities announced anticipated presidential elections for September 2024 instead of December 2024.  
10 Sep 2024 Legislative elections Jordan
Voter turnout is expected to be low, as occurred during the 2020 general election.
10-24 Sep 2024 Opening of the UN General Assembly Global
The UN General Assembly will run for approximately two weeks.
15 Sep 2024 Presidential election Romania Romania
According to polls, independent candidate Mircea Geoană is estimated to secure the most votes, followed closely by the Prime Minister and leader of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu 
17 Sep 2024 Presidential election Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Presidential elections should be held between 17 September and 16 October 2024, according to the Constitution.
22 Sep 2024
Brandenburg state election
Brandenberg state is due to hold state elections.
22-23 Sep 2024
The UN Summit of the Future
The summit aims to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments including to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Charter, and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system. 
October 2024
Parliamentary elections
The election must be held by the end of the five-year term of the current 27th National Council on 23 October.
1 Oct 2024 2024 Mexico presidential inauguration Mexico
Claudia Sheinbaum will be sworn in as Mexico’s first woman president. 
6 Oct 2024
Local elections
The polls are expected to reflect the rivalry between Brazil’s two main political camps, with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva likely to back leftist Congressman Guilherme Boulos of the Socialism and Liberty Party who is running for mayor of Sao Paulo.
6-11 Oct 2024
ASEAN Summit 2024
The ASEAN Summit in Vientiane (Laos) will bring together heads of state and other government officials from member countries to discuss policy issues and strategic decisions. 
7 Oct 2024
One-year anniversary of Hamas’ incursion into Israel
Israel/Palestinian Territories
The date marks the first anniversary since Hamas launched a large-scale attack and kidnap operation against Israel. There will likely be protests globally around the occasion. 
9 Oct 2024
General election
Uncertainty remains around the Frelimo presidential candidate for the 2024, as a clear successor to President Filipe Nyusi is yet to emerge. 
9-11 Oct 2024
G7 health ministers’ meeting
The meeting will take place in Ancona (Italy).
13 Oct 2024
Legislative elections 
A government reshuffle before the scheduled elections cannot be ruled out, but any transitions are likely to be smooth. 
20 Oct 2024 Presidential election and constitutional referendum on EU integration  Moldova Moldova
Moldova will hold a presidential election and a referendum on EU membership. President Maia Sandu will seek re-election in the presidential poll.
21 Oct - 1 Nov 2024
UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Colombia will host COP16; the country has 10% of the planet’s biodiversity. In 2023, a progressive agreement was made to ensure critical conservation by 2030.
22-24 Oct 2024
BRICS summit
Russia will reportedly hold the summit in Kazan. It will be the first summit with an expanded BRICS membership.
25-27 Oct 2024
World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings
The World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings bring together government officials, business leaders, civil society representatives and other stakeholders from around the world to address the most pressing global challenges.
26 Oct 2024
Legislative elections
There will be 150 seats up for election in a fully proportional electoral system with a 5% threshold for the first time. Russian influence in the country has increased in previous elections.
27 Oct 2024
General election
If no presidential candidate receives a majority in the first round of voting, a runoff will take place on 24 November 2024.
27 Oct 2024 Local elections (second round) Brazil Brazil
The second round of local elections will take place, deciding political breakdown of key urban centres.
November 2024
3rd Global AI Safety summit
In November 2023, France agreed to host a 3rd Global AI Safety summit.
November 2024
Quadrilateral Security Dialogue summit
The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, including Japan, Australia, the US and India, is expected to hold a summit in India at the end of 2024.
November 2024 Global Plastics Treaty final negotiations
Global Global
The fifth and final negotiation meeting, INC-5, will take place in Busan, South Korea.
November 2024
India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA)
Brazil/India/South Africa
Ministers from the IBSA countries met on the sidelines of the G20 Foreign Ministers' meeting in February 2024 and agreed to hold an IBSA Summit in Rio de Janeiro, in November 2024, featuring the participation of invited countries for the first time.
1-7 Nov 2024 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit 2024
Global Global
APEC Economic Leaders’ Week will bring together heads of state and government officials from member countries to discuss trade, investment, digitalization and sustainable growth.
5 Nov 2024
Presidential election
Incumbent President Joe Biden will contest the presidential election against former President Donald Trump (2017-21) in a closely contested election likely to be won by small margins across a handful of swing states. There will also be elections for all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 34 seats in the Senate, and 13 state and territorial governorships.
11-24 Nov 2024
The 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 
Baku will host COP29 after Azerbaijan’s selection as host after Russia vetoed any bid by an EU country.
18-19 Nov 2024
G20 leaders’ summit
Brazil will host the G20 leaders’ summit in Rio de Janeiro. 
25-30 Nov 2024 ICA Global Cooperative Conference and General Assembly
The official launch of the International Year of Cooperatives will take place in New Delhi, India, during the ICA Global Cooperative Conference and General Assembly. Global leaders will seek to inspire cooperators worldwide. Tent and improve the lives for everyone.
27 Nov 2024
Regional elections, including Jakarta
Regional elections are scheduled, including to elect the Jakarta governor to a five-year term.
30 Nov 2024 General election
Mauritius Mauritius
Incumbent Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth will likely face an emboldened and increasingly united opposition. The elections will be conducted in a context of heightened anti-government sentiment given cost of living pressures and alleged corruption in the ruling Mauritian Alliance coalition government. This will fuel minor incidents of unrest, but widespread instability is highly unlikely.
December 2024
South Africa ascends to G20 Presidency
South Africa will take over from Brazil.
Early-Mid December 2024 GCC leaders’ summit Global
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) alliance is due to hold its annual Supreme Council leaders’ summit to agree shared policy positions across member countries to drive collective policymaking and coordination over the coming year.
2-13 Dec 2024
UNCCD Conference of Parties 16th session (COP16)
Saudi Arabia will host the UN Convention to Combat Desertification COP16 in Riyadh. 
7 Dec 2024
General elections
The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its presidential candidate former president John Dramani Mahama (2012-17) are likely to win the polls, defeating incumbent vice president Mahamadu Bawumia, who is the candidate of the ruling New Patriotic Party
8 Dec 2024 Legislative elections Romania Romania
The incumbent coalition government of the leftist Social Democrats (PSD) and the centre-right Liberals (PNL) will likely retain office but fall short of securing an outright majority in parliament. 
10-11 Dec 2024
2024 Doha Forum
The 2024 Doha Forum will address “unprecedented forces of fragmentation rippling through geopolitics, technology, and international trade”. It features prominent speakers including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, US Envoy Tim Lenderking, Chatham House Director Bronwen Maddox, US Senator Lindsey Graham, and other political and civil society figures.

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