Protecting consumer health and brand integrity 

When your company becomes aware of a potential or actual product incident that could result in bodily harm, illness, or death, you must act prudently to protect the public, your brand and company well-being.  Control Risks is here to help you preserve consumer health and safety while implementing recall processes that protect the integrity of your brand and return you to business as usual.  

Our response services help you manage and control each stage of a product recall incident from notification through close out and post assessment. We assist in the initial stages with a 24/7 Crisis Assistance Centre that provides you with immediate access to our global team of in-house experts and technical partners, who support with a potential or proven product-related crisis regardless of where the incident has occurred. We then perform an initial assessment of the product incident to verify and assess the risk exposure, determine scope, identify affected or potentially affected product(s), verify product traceability capabilities, determine route cause analysis and comply with regulatory requirements. 

Technical assistance and oversight services

    We can offer technical assistance and oversight of a product recall or contamination incident including:

  • Laboratory testing (microbiology, allergen, environmental, foreign body and foreign matter forensics, toxicity)
  • Investigation into the product incident to substantiate or discredit a customer or consumer complaint
  • Malicious product tampering investigations
  • Decision-making support and formulation of response strategies
  • Consumer inquiries and call centre capacity support
  • Product retrieval, secure storage, and disposal
  • Litigation support
  • Advice on regulatory reporting requirements and liaison with regulatory authorities and law enforcement
  • Medical expertise
  • Crisis communications
  • Business continuity
  • Other subject matter expertise


Brand recovery and reputation management

Once the recall has been conducted, or the risk-related hazardous incident handled, our global team of experts can advise on the monitoring of product reintroduction, brand recovery and reputation management strategies, as well as conduct post-incident assessments.

    Brand recovery and reputation management are key at this stage. We can assist you with identification of the pre-conditions for returning to market, including:

  • Customer and stakeholder outreach
  • Reputation management including policies and processes for return to point of sale and replacement of product or reimbursement of costs
  • Media management
  • Development of holding and/or position statements for consumer or regulator inquiries

We help develop and implement a programme for effectively monitoring any residual negative brand impact by temporarily monitoring social media, consumer blogs and comment forums. We can also conduct post-recall assessments and/or facilitate workshops. The gaps, areas for improvement and corrective and preventive actions identified can be incorporated into your company’s product recall readiness programme to reduce the likelihood and impact of future product issues.

We can also help you formulate a product risk management programme that ensures an organisation is fully prepared for any other crisis that may come their way in the future. Visit our Product Risk Management section for more information.

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