Better data, better decisions

For analytics to provide the level of insight needed for confident analysis and decisions, you must begin with the right data. Control Risks works with clients to define their requirements, determine the relevant data, and apply analytics to provide insight into risks and inspire confident decisions.

In today's Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) environment, evolving risks are forcing companies to reconsider their traditional approach to risk management. We collaborate with organisations to harness analytics throughout their risk management function, transitioning from reactive data analysis to proactive monitoring and screening, and advancing towards predictive detection and horizon scanning.

Our expertise in leveraging internal and external data sources allows us to enrich data sets with human and subject matter expertise, ranging from geopolitical analysis to physical security, emerging technologies to litigation and regulatory risks. It is our ability to augment data collection and analysis using human intelligence that increases reliability, uncovers bias, refines the outcomes, and offers the deep insight that only Control Risks' experts can provide. 

Our Services

Regulatory Response

Collect, manage, analyse, and produce large, complex transactional datasets in a forensically sound manner for regulatory requests and inquiries.

Security Risk Assessments

Data-driven risk assessments of sites and physical assets informs strategic decision making for investments in security.

Proactive Compliance Monitoring

Proactively manage compliance processes, gaining insight into potential areas of risk and enabling faster remediation. Find out more

Proactive Risk Management for Portfolios

Clear, actionable insights on emerging threats such as activism, reputation issues, regulatory actions, and industry-specific threats.

Data-Driven Internal Audit

Continuous auditing using data analytics can provide a more frequent view into potential risk areas and faster remediation. Find out more

Brand Risk and Counterfeit

Predictive brand risk monitoring allows risk managers to assess and predict risks to a brand proactively, based on key risk indicators. Find out more

Embedded Consulting Services

Our embedded analysts serve as an integrated part of your team, providing analytics and data enablement for your compliance and/or security functions. Find out more

Transaction Compliance Analysis

We provide analysis of accounting-based entries and transactions from a data-led perspective for pre-acquisition due diligence and/or post-acquisition to ensure compliance. Find out more

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