Ongoing support for operations and portfolio companies

Post-transaction, we help funds and managers to enhance regular monitoring and reporting both internally and for third parties – including in supply chains – through risk reviews and systematic and regular portfolio company assessments.

    We help build long-term value by:

  • Enhancing regular monitoring and reporting
  • Evaluating senior hires
  • Preparing for exits
  • Help with bolt-on deals
  • Assessing and monitoring physical and cyber threats to Key Principals and HNWIs


Portfolio company support

  • Bolt-on deals
  • Senior hire reviews, leadership style and cultural fit reviews 
  • Consistent portfolio and supply chain compliance monitoring for:
         – Financial crime
         – Sanctions
         – ESG
  • Exit preparedness
         – Compliance
         – Cyber threat resilience
         – Reputational risk management


Corporate/fund-level services

  • Design and/or implementation of diligence and corporate processes and monitoring frameworks on:
         – Policy and regulatory risk
         – ESG
         – Digital risks 
  • Fund manager/portfolio company review:
         – Compliance
         – Reputational issues: outside-in view
  • Security services:
         – Physical security consulting
         – Journey management
         – Key Principal and/or High-Net-Worth Individual threat exposure, assessment and management
         – Incident response (kidnapping/cyber attacks)


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