Harald Nikutta


  • EMEA
  • Organisational Resilience
  • Digital Risks
  • Security Consulting

As a Partner, Harald is responsible for managing Control Risks’ operations in Germany as well as driving the development of Control Risks in the German-speaking countries and Central and Eastern Europe. Harald has considerable expertise in advising companies as they embark on growth strategies in emerging markets and seek to manage the complexities of operating in challenging environments.

Recent tasks that Harald has worked on include:

  • Driving the dialogue with business leaders to develop specific services based on the client’s needs on a national and international scale as a global leader in business development.
  • Leading international client projects in the field of assurance, outsourcing and consulting services for the international German Mittelstand as well as for large multinationals.
  • Guiding management boards with strategic discussions as an independent coach and mediator and assisting them in crisis and conflict situations.

  • Before joining Control Risks, Harald spent the first two decades of his professional career at PricewaterhouseCoopers where, among other projects, he developed a division for markets and innovation. He was also Chief Operations Officer at MAZARS in Germany and worked in the US and France.

    Harald holds a master’s degree in economics from the Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn and in law from the OLG Cologne. He holds an LLM in natural law and policy. In addition, Harald is a certified business coach, NLP Master and Master of Business Mediation. Harald's native language is German. He is fluent in English and has a solid command of French.


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