The upcoming presidential, congressional, and state elections in the US—happening amid increased social and political tensions—will have significant implications globally. Control Risks is supporting organizations across sectors as they navigate an uncertain business environment and prepare for a turbulent 2024 US election season.

Here are three of the best practices we commonly see among organizations that are doing this well: 

1. Taking a holistic, scenario-based view of US election-related risks 

From geopolitical upheavals with far-reaching strategic implications to targeted threats posing reputational risks or endangering the security of employees and critical assets, it’s clear that a comprehensive risk management approach is essential to doing business in 2024. 

First, conducting thorough risk assessments tailored to the organization's specific context is key. This involves identifying scenarios that could arise from the US elections, considering a range of factors such as political instability, regulatory changes, social unrest, and extremism. Assessing underlying political, social, and economic drivers helps our clients to understand where, when and how incidents may occur—and how they could impact specific assets based on the company’s sector, profile, activities, and location. 

By understanding the risks inherent in various election outcomes, companies can develop proactive strategies to address them and mitigate their likelihood and impact. The most well-prepared organizations are running risk workshops, simulations, and crisis management exercises to ensure business continuity and plan effectively for any US election-related scenario. 

2. Integrating threat monitoring with crisis management 

To effectively manage and mitigate the spectrum of potential crises related to events like the US election, it's crucial for companies and organizations to monitor political and security developments as they unfold. An integrated, intelligence-led approach empowers companies to understand their overall threat environment related to the elections, and continuously refresh their crisis planning scenarios as issues emerge. 

In addition to viewing the trajectory for unrest and operational disruption using threat ratings and incident mapping, Control Risks’ clients are monitoring chatter and developments across physical and online spaces more broadly that could pose threats to their business or personnel. Establishing robust monitoring capabilities and multi-disciplinary crisis teams facilitates agile decision-making and response. 

By continuously scanning the horizon for emerging threats and translating intelligence into action, our clients are better able to protect their business operations, assets, and personnel and manage incidents before they become crises. 

3. Adjusting security planning assumptions and mindset

Security threats are expected to steadily increase through the 2024 election cycle. In times of prolonged uncertainty, it's crucial for companies to extend their planning horizon and adapt their mindset accordingly.  

Reactive decision-making cycles, although seemingly necessary in crisis mode, prove unsustainable and costly over time. Amidst perpetual crises and potentially reduced operational capacities, now is the opportune moment to take a step back. By objectively reassessing risk management programs and on-the-ground security needs, companies will be better prepared going into a turbulent election season. 

Organizations operating in the US are conducting on-site security reviews to determine any weak points and take necessary measures to strengthen their facilities in anticipation of future social unrest or targeted threat scenarios. Companies should now be planning and resourcing their capabilities for the on-the-ground protection of executives and staff, travel routes, locations, and assets—rather than get caught off-guard when an incident occurs. 


In navigating the complexities of the US election landscape, it's evident that organizations must adopt a multifaceted approach to risk management. By embracing holistic risk assessments and scenario planning, integrating threat monitoring with crisis management, and adjusting security planning assumptions, companies can proactively safeguard their operations, assets, and personnel amidst the uncertainties of the 2024 election season and beyond.

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