Combat emerging brand and counterfeit risk with analytics

Counterfeit behaviour has evolved significantly in recent years with the rapid growth of online commerce.  Counterfeit rings have shifted their focus from localised sales to a thriving online marketplace, using sophisticated digital technologies to produce fake goods and leveraging online commerce and social media platforms to market and sell counterfeit products.
This can pose a significant threat to your brand and reputation.  

As the counterfeit market has moved online, traditional detection methods are no longer effective, and it is critical for companies to take equally sophisticated and proactive measures to protect their brand and intellectual property.  


Transform Your Counterfeit Detection: Embrace the Power of Data

Control Risks’ brand and counterfeit monitoring service helps clients harness the wealth of information available online to combat fraudulent goods, retain market share, and preserve the value of their brand and intellectual property.

Our counterfeit experts, market intelligence analysts, investigators, and data scientists can help you:  
  • Gain insight into sales patterns and identify the counterfeit hotspots.
  • Conduct targeted investigations into the highest-risk aspects of the counterfeit chain.
  • Continuously monitor changes to your brand’s internal and external environment.
  • Quickly respond or adapt to any changes and mitigate reputational risks.
  • Understand current and emerging risks and changes in modus operandi or trends and give you a pipeline of actionable intelligence and detailed reports.

  • We also offer follow-on services to support clients to manage the risks presented by counterfeit activity such as assisting legal actions (e.g., cease and desist orders), account removals and controlled purchases.

    Download our Flyer 

    Download our brochure to find out how you can use data analytics to protect your brand and stay ahead of the game.

    DOTCOM Data Analytics Flyer Brand risk and counterfeit monitoring
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    Michele Wiener

    Michele Wiener


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    John Kim

    John Kim


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