Joseph Parry

Associate Analyst

  • EMEA
  • Digital Risks
  • Digital Risks Assess
  • Investigation Services

Joseph is an associate analyst in Control Risk’s Digital Risks team based in London, responsible for delivering cyber threat intelligence. He is responsible for leading complex cyber, dark web and cryptocurrency investigations. He specialises in online and cyber enabled crime, providing investigative support during live incidents as well as proactive threat intelligence. Joseph has over five years of investigative experience covering all major jurisdictions.

Recent tasks that Joseph has worked on include:

  • Investigated a network of websites used to illegally target UK problem gamblers that was ultimately delivered to a UK government organisation.
  • Providing monthly briefings to global energy, IT and private equity organisations, informing stakeholders on key changes in the strategic, tactics or operational cyber threat landscape.
  • Investigated a fraud involving USD 10 billion in Bitcoin, ultimately proving the Bitcoin had been linked to high profile cybercriminal and narcotics dark web marketplaces or had been lost.
  • Provided an extensive cryptocurrency due diligence report to a pan-Africa law firm on a new Cardano based token.
  • Provided investigative support during over 100 live extortion related incidents within both the cyber and physical domains.
  • Prior to joining Control Risks, Joseph was an associate and head of cyber intelligence at a multinational business intelligence firm in Geneva, Switzerland. He managed complex investigations into corporate fraud and conducted pre-engagement due diligence exercises. Before that Joseph studied for a degree in international relations from Loughborough University and served in the British Army conducting exercises in Cyprus. 

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