Andrew Rokikki

Senior Consultant

  • EMEA
  • Political and Country Risk
  • Investor Services
  • Investigations, Litigation and Forensics


Andrew Rokikki is a Senior Consultant in Control Risks’ Russia & FSU Business Intelligence (BI) practice. Andrew conducts sanctions risk assessments, business intelligence, due diligence and pre- and post-transaction investigations in the Russia/FSU region.  

Recent tasks that Andrew has worked on include:

  •  A sanctions risk and ownership and control assessment into an opaquely structured European holding most of whose reported shareholders were Russian nationals subject to international blocking sanctions, conducted through collaboration with the client’s outside counsel. Despite the paucity of publicly disclosed information on the holding, the assessment provided a detailed account of its management structure and the sanctioned shareholders' current relationship with it.
  • A product diversion investigation, supporting a construction equipment manufacturer whose equipment, against the manufacturers’ orders, was shipped to Russia by the client’s former and current distributors in Belarus, Turkey and Central Asia. The investigation established the products’ end buyers, logistics partners and the schemes through which they exported equipment to Russia.
  • A divestment support exercise, including an assessment of the potential buyer’s sanctions risk exposure and adherence to ESG standards, as well as intelligence into government decision-making, for a multinational consumer products firm that was seeking to divest from its assets with the possibility of buying them back within five years. 
  • An in-depth assessment of a prominent businessman's ties to the Russian law enforcement agencies, sanctioned individuals, and organized crime groups, the extent of these ties’ influence on his commercial interests, and an evaluation of allegations of the businessman's involvement in bribery schemes involving government contracts.  
  • A business intelligence assignment combining enquiries with oil and gas professionals and public officials in Kazakhstan with a comprehensive public record review of historical allegations and investigations to identify integrity risks at a multinational operated Caspian Sea oilfield.  
  • Prior to joining Control Risks, Andrew worked as an analyst in the due diligence department of a global corporate investigations and risk consulting firm in New York.

    Andrew holds a bachelor's degree in political science from the George Washington University and a Global Sanctions Specialist certificate from the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists.

    Andrew speaks English and Russian.

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