Third-party risk assessment and due diligence for ESG risk

VANTAGE Supply Chain Risk and Due Diligence helps companies assess, manage, remediate and monitor their supply chain sustainability risk, either as a standalone programme or through integration into their existing third-party risk management programme.

With ever increasing ESG due diligence regulation coupled with heightened stakeholder scrutiny of global supply chains, companies need to strengthen their supply chain due diligence systems and controls and integrate these into existing business systems for third-party risk management, supply chain and procurement.

ESG third-party due diligence coverage:


  • Biodiversity and land use
  • Deforestation
  • Greenhouse gas / pollutant emissions
  • Climate risk
  • Water
  • Waste


  • Community relations
  • Forced labour / modern slavery
  • Labour rights
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Diversity and inclusion


  • Business ethics and reputation
  • Political contributions and networks
  • Ownership and management
  • Data and cyber security

Accessing ESG solutions within the Control Risks VANTAGE programme:

VANTAGE Diligence: Building on our compliance and regulatory driven third-party due diligence reports, standalone ESG reports or ESG add-ons to existing diligence reports are now available for clients to order. Complementing VANTAGE Diligence, we combine ESG red-flag media searches with enforcement actions and ESG policy searches to deliver a remote assessment of supplier risk.

VANTAGE Compliance Solutions: For clients looking to design and integrate an end-to-end ESG workflow, we help clients to:

  • Set appropriate supplier prioritisation criteria, drawing upon Control Risks proprietary risk intelligence tools such as our ESG Country Monitor.
  • Design supplier self-assessment questionnaires that can be run at scale
  • Monitor supplier ESG risk through VANTAGE screening
  • Design and implement remediation approaches tailored to supplier sector, performance and impact
  • Our methodology can be integrated into an existing company technology environment or implemented via one of our leading technology platforms, including Control Risks’ own report-ordering portal as well as our workflow technology partner, GAN Integrity.

Clients can also escalate to Control Risks’ consulting teams, who conduct in-depth ESG due diligence, deep dives on social and governance issues, labour and human rights audits, and reactive investigations.


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Peace of Mind?

Winner in the 2021 Excellence in Compliance awards

Hosted by Compliance Week

Control Risks VANTAGE is an award-winning suite of third-party compliance solutions to suit most TPRM programmes, process, teams, tools, and budgets.

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