Takashi Okabe


  • Asia Pacific
Tokyo Email

Takashi Okabe is a Partner at Control Risks. He currently leads our Tokyo office, overseeing the delivery of solutions and services to clients in Japan.

Formerly with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Takashi has over 20 years of experience in the consultancy industry.  

Recent tasks that Takashi has worked on include:

  • Proposing the optimal organisational structure for a Japanese company’s global strategy and assist in the development of the necessary policies and regulations for their global headquarters.
  • Conducting risk assessments for international clients with operations throughout Asia. These projects involve providing a comprehensive strategic and operational risk assessment of the areas they are currently operating in, as well as recommendations to reduce the risks of strategy implementation.
  • Facilitating various risk management discussions and workshops with key stakeholders to identify the greatest risks to an organisation’s assets and creating solutions to best mitigate these risks.

  • Takashi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Policy Management in Keio University and has completed the Executive Leadership Programme at Oxford University. He has published numerous articles on globalisation strategy and organisational structure alignment for Japanese companies, and has conducted lectures on business risks in emerging markets.

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