Rob is Director for Sustainable Supply Chains within the ESG and Sustainable Business Team. Based in London, he has 18 years’ experience advising businesses on the implementation of corporate sustainability goals and targets through supply chains and sourcing. He is experienced in supply chain ESG due diligence, risk assessment and visibility, and supports Control Risks’ clients to ensure compliance to emerging ESG due diligence regulations affecting supply chain.
Rob also supports the roll-out of Control Risks’ Vantage ESG proposition.
Rob’s recent projects include:
Working with a large UK Banking Group to assess carbon risk and performance across their tier one supply base, and designing and implementing a supplier follow up engagement programme for high-risk suppliers.
Delivering an annualised tier one supplier risk assessment and raw material traceability programme for a large US/global food brand manufacturer, covering high-risk agricultural commodities including palm oil, sugarcane and cocoa.
Designing and integrating a UNGP aligned human rights due diligence programme for a global agricultural commodity trader of oils and grains.
Working with the largest global manufacturer of confectionary and petfood to align their petfood raw ingredient sourcing with their scope 3 Net-Zero carbon commitments and corporate no-deforestation policies.
For two years, chairing the independent Sustainability Advisory Panel set up to monitor progress against sustainability commitments for a Malaysia based Property and Agricultural Commodity Producer conglomerate.
Prior to joining Control Risks, Rob worked within the multidisciplinary Supply Chain and Operations team at EY UKI, leading the sustainable supply chain consulting services. Prior to EY, he was co-lead of the European private sector consulting team at Proforest, supporting global food buyers and agricultural commodity traders with the design and implementation of their responsible sourcing programmes and commitments.