Jim Savage


  • Americas
  • Security Risk Management
  • Operational and Protective Services
  • Organisational Resilience
  • Investigation Services

Jim Savage is a Director with Control Risks’ Crisis and Security Consulting Practice for North America. Based in Washington, DC, Jim helps clients develop and implement strategies to prevent violence in the workplace and minimize risks to their personnel, facilities, information systems, and reputation.

Jim works with both private and corporate clients across industries to prevent and manage a broad range of threats through training, exercises, and enhanced physical and personal security measures. He also advises clients in the evaluation and management of threats-both internal and external.   

The professional experience Jim brings to Control Risks’ global clients is derived in part from his career in the U.S. Secret Service, retiring after having served as a Special Agent in various program areas including investigations, protection, special event planning, Congressional staff service, and threat assessment. 

Prior to joining Control Risks, Jim served for more than 14 years on the security leadership team for Hunt Oil Company in Dallas, Texas, a privately held organization with global operations, including in high-risk locations. During his tenure with Hunt Oil, Jim built and implemented strategies and response plans to protect people, facilities and brand both domestically in the United States and internationally. 

Jim is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and member of the US State Department Overseas Advisory Council (OSAC), the Energy Security Council, and the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP), among other security groups.

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