Theodore Kahn


  • Latin America
  • Risk Monitoring
  • Risk Assessments
  • Political and Country Risk
  • Seerist

Theodore is a Director in Control Risks’ Global Risk Analysis team in Bogotá. He is an expert in Colombian and Latin American politics and public policy, focussing on corruption, elections, fiscal policy and international trade and investments. Theodore advises clients on political, regulatory, economic and security developments in Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname across various sectors, including energy, mining, heavy industry and consumer goods.

Recent tasks that Theodore has worked on include:

  • Analyzing scenarios for the 2022 presidential elections in Colombia and their implications for the economy and business operations of clients in the health, consumer goods and paper sectors.
  • Developing a tailored risk matrix with escalating risk levels and indicators to facilitate monitoring of political, economic and regulatory risk for a multinational consumer goods company.
  • Writing biweekly reports on the regulatory framework and operational context for Venezuela’s energy sector.
  • Identifying and assessing medium- and long-term political, economic and social risks for a multinational paper company considering an investment in Colombia.

    Before joining Control Risks, Theodore was a researcher at Latin America’s leading think tank Fedesarrollo, leading projects on the Colombian electoral system, and corruption risks in public contracting, and more. Theodore also worked at the Inter-American Development Bank analyzing public policy and developing investment projects. More recently, he was a contributing expert for Oxford Analytica, regularly reporting on fiscal policy, trade policy and foreign relations in Colombia and other Latin American countries.

    Theodore holds a master’s degree and PhD in international relations from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Harvard University. His academic research on corruption, international trade and economic development in Latin America has been published in journals as well as Brookings Institution Press and Palgrave Macmillan.

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